Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME, sometimes referred to as ME/CFS). Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS) is a multisystem, complex, acquired illness with symptoms related mainly to the dysfunction of the brain, gastro-intestinal, immune, endocrine and cardiac systems. ME/PVFS had been classified as a neurological disorder in the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases since 1969 (ICD 10 G93.3). This debilitating neurological illness is currently classified by the World Health Organisation under ICD-11 Code: 8.E49. The Chief Medical Officer's Report on the subject of CFS/ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), issued in January 2002 recognises, that "CFS/ME should be classed as a chronic condition with long term effects on health, alongside other illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease To date there is no known specific medical diagnostic test to determine or confirm a correct diagnosis nor is there any specific treatment for this condition. What is ME? What is CFS? Guidelines for ME IiMER Leaflet
Our annual international Conferences and research Colloquiums are designed to bring together researchers, clinicians, patient groups and patients/carers in order to make progress in research into ME. These are CPD-Accredited events held in UK. A sample of conferences is in our conference trailer below.
click on the topic bars below to expand/contract for more information
Invest in ME Research assessed the NICE Draft Guidelines published in November 2020
Persistence Pays - NICE Accede to IiMER Request to Add Addendum to Guidelines - Sort Of
The charity responds to the NICE press release regarding new draft guidelines
More on the award for Biomedical Research into ME in Norwich Research Park
UK Charity Awards Funding for Research into ME in Norwich Research Park
Contradictions of NICE Policy Toward ME
IiMER Supporters Win £1,000 in Movement for Good Award
European Research Development to make progress in ME
Covid-19 and ME
ME Conference Week 2020 News Update - Covid-19
An intent to develop further the European infrastructure for ME
An International Clinicians Workshop is a new event to improve clinical knowledge.
Invest in ME Research and The Quadram Institute are arranging a Public Engagement Event in Norwich