
UK charity Invest in ME Research
is collaborating to augment a UK and European Centre of Excellence for ME – a centre which is binging discovery, knowledge, and effective treatments to patients with ME and possibly, in future, other illnesses that are caused by acquired dysregulation of both the immune system and the nervous system.

The Centre can become a Centre of Excellence in the treatment of ME in Europe and has already attracted other researchers, physicians and healthcare staff to become involved and build on collaboration that has been formed from around the UK and Europe and North America and Australasia. It is already collaborating with other Centres of Excellence in other countries as the concept develops.

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A Strategy for Research, Treatment and Advocacy for ME

Invest in ME Research has been facilitating research collaboration between individuals and organisations and are funding major research in the UK.
The charity's success in arranging fifteen annual international biomedical research conferences and ten international biomedical research colloquiums and initiating an international young/early career research network demonstrates its determination and commitment to find a cause or causes for this devastating disease.

IiMER has European connections and originated and facilitated the formation of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) and and the European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC) and facilitates collaborative links to other researchers and institutes in Europe and Australia and USA.

The foundations are already in place to advance science and provide the promise of better treatment and possible restoration of function and lives back to a section of the community who have received very little help in the past.

Please help us to find the cause of this disease and develop effective treatments to permit patients to regain their lives.

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"The Gibson Inquiry into ME in 2006 demonstrated the lack of research into ME. It is important to establish centres of clinical excellence that would provide a thorough clinical assessment of ME patients, provide tests that would address the clinical diagnosis, establish a data base of patients with all their clinical signs and symptoms, identify important clinical deficits and needs with a view to offering effective diagnosis, treatment, and care."

Dr Ian Gibson

With over 3000 scientists at the Norwich Research Park, consisting of 4 world leading research institutes, a university and a teaching hospital, it is one of Europe’s largest single-site concentrations of research in Food and Health and Environmental sciences.
Having academic excellence across a range of diverse, but related fields, in one location is a very powerful way to deliver a step-change in potential outcomes across a number of health issues.
Importantly, the new centre for food and health, due to open at the end of 2017 at the Norwich Research Park, takes co-location to a new level as it uniquely integrates academic excellence with clinical expertise; by bringing together the Institute of Food Research with aspects of the University of East Anglia’s medical school and science faculty with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals' gastrointestinal endoscopy facility, working alongside industry.
The new Institute will provide a novel holistic, systematic and integrated approach to deliver faster innovation as well as helping to inform government policy on a range of gut and diet related issues including M.E.
The development of this new centre, together with the other expertise and facilities located at the Norwich Research Park, puts it in a very good position to lead a UK and European Centre of Excellence for biomedical research for M.E. to provide possible prevention and solutions.

Professor Ian Charles
Journal of IiME Abstract 2015

Executive Summary for MPs and Others

An Executive Summary for MPs and Others - - has been produced which describes the Centre of Excellence proposal and development status.

Last Update September 2018