Invest in ME Research Colloquium/Conference Site

Invest in ME Research (IIMER) is a UK charity facilitating and funding a strategy of biomedical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME or ME/CFS) and promoting better education about ME.

Since 2006 the charity has been arranging an annual international CPD-accedited biomedical research conference on ME.
Since 2011 the charity has been organising an annual international CPD-accedited biomedical research Colloquium on ME aimed at increasing international collaboration on research into ME.

The IiMER annual conferences and research colloquiums arranged by the charity now attract presenters, researchers, physicians, patient groups and journalists from around the world.

On this page one will find a description of the latest conference and colloquium and links to previous conferences/colloquiums including details of the presenters and the videos from the conferences.

Chairman's Welcome Message

Our next Colloquium and Conference

The 2025 international conference week occurs from 26-30 May.

Conference News

Recent/Upcoming Events

Organised by Invest in ME Research
The fifth workshop organised by the charity for young / early career researchers - in association with the European ME Research Group Early Career Researcher network Young EMERG. This will take place on 26-27 May 2025 More details here.
#BRMEC14 - our fourteenth international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium - will take place over two/three days on 28 -30 May 2025. More details here.
#IIMEC17 - our seventeenth international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium - will take place over two/three days on 28 -30 May 2025. More details here.
#EMERG25 - A full in person meeting for the European ME Research Group (EMERG) will take place at Hinxton Hall on the Wellcome Genome Campus near Cambridge, UK on 27th June 2025

Our Past Conference Events

This web site has details of all of the previous Invest in ME Research International ME Conferences that the charity has arranged and hosted since 2006. The presenters at the conferences represent the world's most current knowledgebase regarding ME/CFS. The conferences provide the latest research and clinical information about ME and allows for the creation or resumption of unique networking opportunities with some of the most knowledgeable and experienced authorities on ME in the world.

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Videos from past conferences

We have videos from all presentations in all conferences available. These are not just educational but contain a historical record of research progress over the years. The education of healthcare staff must reflect the latest knowledge about the pathogenesis of ME which high quality biomedical research is providing. The presenters at the CPD-accredited Invest in ME Research International ME Conferences have represented the world's most current knowledgebase regarding this disease - providing the latest research and clinical information about ME and a unique location for networking with some of the most knowledgeable and experienced authorities on ME in the world. These videos provide useful information for researchers, clinicians and patients as well as providing a historical record of research into ME.

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Our Past Colloquiums

The Invest in ME Research Biomedical Research into ME (BRMEC) Colloquiums are closed research meetings organised by the charity to encourage biomedical research into ME and international collaboration amongst researchers. This has been one of the main objectives of the charity. Invest in ME Research began arranging public biomedical research conferences in 2006 and have continued them ever since - mostly funded by the charity but with help from some wonderful supporters and some good friends. The Invest in ME Research International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquiums began in 2011 as a way of bringing together researchers from around the world in a round-table discussion of ME research and ideas. Over the years this has broadened into sharing of experiences, data and plans for future research and international collaboration. A culmination of much of this effort was the initiation of The European ME Research Group (EMERG) concept which formed in October 2015 in London in an attempt to set up a strategy of European collaboration in ME research.

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Young Researchers

To encourage new and young and early career researchers into the field of ME research the charity initiated the Thinking the Future research meetings - with a focus on international collaboration.
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An international family of researchers working together has been facilitated by the Invest in ME Research BRMEC* Biomedical Research into ME Colloquiums held annually in London, UK. To ensure that a foundation of biomedical research into ME can be sustained and to encourage new ideas from new areas then we cannot rely just on this family of researchers that has been built up from all parts of the world. We need to draw in knowledge and expertise from other areas. Importantly, we also need to encourage early career researchers – and young researchers.
Following the pandemic, in 2023 the charity restarted the young/ecr European network - Young EMERG.
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Young EMERG is now an entity that can help attract more young researchers into research into ME and assist in building capacity in the field. YE will also foster European and international collaboration and create new idea and awareness - all objectives of IiMER.

Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journals
For each conference we produce an edition of the Journal of IiMER.
Containing news, articles and conference presentation abstracts.

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