12thInternational Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 2023
CPD Points

BRMEC12 Awarded CPD Accreditation

The 12th International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium takes place at the Wellcome Genome Campus, UK, in May - #BRMEC12.

We are pleased to announce that this event has been awarded full CPD accreditation of 12 points by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians.

This will be the first in person Colloquium since the beginning of the pandemic. When weighing up the factors on deciding whether to restart in person Colloquiums it was the fact that researchers themselves wanted to meet in person again that was the deciding factor.

The BRMEC* Colloquiums are closed symposiums for researchers where views can be openly expressed, data can be shared in confidence (even if not publicly available) and collaborations can be developed.

The colloquiums began in 2011 as a way of bringing existing ME researchers together in the same meeting as researchers from other disciplines in order to increase knowledge and generate more avenues for research into ME. This would also then facilitate the increase in capacity for research and improve the chances of finding funding opportunities, raising more awareness of biomedical research into ME.
A culmination of much of this effort was the initiation in London in 2015 of The European ME Research Group (EMERG) concept - that created a network of European biomedical research collaboration to make rapid advances in research and funding for ME.

As part of the EMERG concept the charity initiated the European young/early career researcher conferences in 2018.
This year we have restarted this network. Nicknamed Young EMERG this is now connected with the European ME Research Group (EMERG) - which will hold its first in person meeting since the Amsterdam meeting early in 2020.
The EMERGecr workshop planned for 2 June will continue to develop an international network of young/early career biomedical researchers who can expand and provide innovative ideas for research into ME.
We hope to join this event with the NIH young investigator workshop planned for December 2023 in Washington and we have invited the NIH to participate and they will be presenting on NIH funding of research into ME and Long covid.
More details here.

This all enhances progress in ME research and awareness, facilitates collaboration and new ideas and develops capacity in the research area.

The colloquiums may not have had as much publicity as the public conference - but they are crucial for developing research into ME and have expanded in numbers of participants and objectives over those years.
This year we have exceeded all previous Colloquiums in the number of invitations sent to researchers around the world.

For a small charity these events have taken a great deal of time, effort and resources to organise and perform - but we feel they are very much worth the effort. They have been responsible for multiple projects, initiatives and momentum - not all directly related to IiMER's work - but very useful for other groups.

ME, and more recently Long Covid, place a huge burden in healthcare yet the capacity of research has continually been restricted by limited funding. The annual BRMEC* Colloquium aids in utilising the research expertise that does exist to improve understanding, collaboration and cooperation.
With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic will be also included as a central component of the BRMEC12 agenda and a number of presentations concerning ME and long covid will be given with a focus on the aetiology of the disease.
The knowledge and the road travelled by ME researchers and clinicians is an invaluable aid for understanding long Covid. Understanding the viral and immunological mechanisms behind both of those conditions is the key to making progress.

The agenda for #BRMEC12 is here.